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PrimaSoft Small Library Web Catalogue

PrimaSoft Small Library Web Catalogue is a web-based application installed on our server. It enables you to quickly create an Online Patron Access Catalogue with information from our Small Library database solutions for Windows. How it works ...

If you subscribe to our Small Library Web Catalogue service you will be able to publish your library items database on the web with just one button click. How it works ...

Advantages of the Small Library Web Catalogue

  • Small Library Web Catalogue runs on our server, you do not have to maintain complicated web server application, we do it for you.
  • Easily schedule your library data transfers (one button click or automated transfers).
  • Supports search and browsing mode of your library items.
  • Access available from any computer connected with the Web.
  • How it works ...
Try Library Web Catalog

Try it with your own library, create your web library catalog in minutes. Try It Now...

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